Recent projects
Wairakei East Wetland (Pond G) Construction
MAP Projects was engaged by Tauranga City Council to undertake the construction of stormwater swales and a wetlands area comprising of around 250,00m3 of earthworks and over two kilometres of access track. Culverts in four different locations were installed with a portion of the work, both earthworks and structures, undertaken below the water table.
This is a large scale project that has run smoothly in consultation with the client and its representatives and where any design issues once encountered have been dealt with in a spirit of mutual cooperation with a view of delivering the best solution within the available budget
The earthworks comprised of roughly 250,000m3 of sand and topsoil handled and reshaped with 10,000 m3 of fill area...
Kaituna River Re-Diversion
MAP was engaged by JSwap Contactors to complete the structures work on the Kaituna River Diversion near Maketu, Bay of Plenty. This involved a large box culvert bridge structure through a body of water, concrete boat ramp, and timber jetties.
To construct the bridge MAP first installed approximately 250m of sheet pile coffer dam and pumped the work area dry...
Waitangi Stream Remediation and Erosion Protection
The Waitangi Stream is controlled by the Bay of Plenty Regional Council and is used to control levels in Lake Ōkāreka. In late 2017 flows were increased beyond the streams capacity causing major scouring of one stream section, putting houses above at risk and damaging the natural environment.
The site was accessed via a private road which was owned by a number of concerned land owners...
Omokoroa Stormwater Pond and Earth Dam
Completed in 2019, the Omokoroa SW Pond 02 for Western Bay of Plenty District Council involved construction of a 9m high by 80m long stormwater detention dam and levelling 5 ha of subdivision lots as the dam fill. The site was large, sloping and involved conditioning various types of soils to enable placing and compacting engineered fill for the Dam embankment and the Classic Builders residential subdivision. Approx...